quarta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2011

sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2011

sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2011

O jornalismo que não temos

Uma pivô, num tom seráfico, acabou de nos "esclarecer uma situação ocorrida ontem durante o Jornal da Noite. Na reportagem sobre a detenção deste suspeito de pedofilia, ontem, podiam ver-se imagens da Escola Básica Vasco da Gama, em Lisboa, e de um funcionário dessa escola. Ora o suspeito de pedofilia trabalhava numa outra creche, como vimos nesta reportagem última, numa outra creche sem qualquer relação com a Escola Básica Vasco da Gama. Tratou-se de um lapso do qual pedimos, naturalmente, desculpa."

Após a noticia da prisão preventiva de um suspeito de pedófilia, funcionário de uma creche da Santa Casa da Misericórdia.

Aqui, ao minuto 18:53

sábado, 21 de maio de 2011

Democracia Real YA

"We are just ordinary people
we are just like you
we wake up in the morning and study
we work or try to find a job
we have also family and friends
we work hard every day just to live
to get a better future for those around us.
Some of us are liberal
some of us are conservative
some of us are religious
some of us are not
some of us have strong political ideologies
some of us are just apolitical
but we are all concerned and disappointed
about the political, economical and social situation we see around us
about corrupt politicians and bussinessmen
about citizen helplessness
This situation is harming our society daily
but we can make a change together
It's time to empower and move
time to build a better society together
Therefore we firmly declare that
the priorities of every advanced society
must be equality, progress, solidarity
freedom of culture
ecological sustainability
and development, welfare
and people's happiness

sexta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2011

Viva o Povo unido!

Um discurso de despedida A farewell speech عنوان وداعا

Ele tem que sair He has to leave لديه لمغادرة

Liberdade Freedom الحرية

Cleaning up Tahrir Square

terça-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2011

segunda-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2011

sexta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2011

quinta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2011

It´s already chaos, anyway.

One Egyptian says, "facebook used to set the date, twitter used to share logistics, youtube to show the world, all to connect people" .JaredCohen #jan25 /twitter.com/jsrailton 25/Jan

Egypt's Protests Day of Anger Riots 25 Jan 2011 Demonstrations Rare Raw Footage.flv Youtube 25/Jan

[EGYPT] Push And Pull Between Egyptians And Police, Cairo Demonstrations, 25/01/2011 Youtube

#Egypt #Jan25 (ليلة القبض على مبارك) Youtube 27/Jan

Egypt Protest The Angry Friday 28 January - Part 1.flv Youtube 28/Jan

DO SOMETHING: Help Egypt - Join the Cloud accessnow.org 28/Jan

Millions rally to oust Mubarak Youtube 31/Jan

A Virtual "March of Millions" in Solidarity with Egyptian Protestors Facebook 1/Feb

Tahrir Cairo 1/Feb


'No!No!': Protesters react to Mubarak's speech bbc.co.uk 1/Feb

Led by ‘Hope,’ protesters reject Mubarak’s concessions msnbc.msn.com 1/Feb

LIVE: Egypt unrest bbc.co.uk 2/Feb

Live Messages from Egypt blogs.aljazeera.net 2/Feb

Deadly clashes rock Egypt capital bbc.co.uk 2/Feb

Egypt: Back Online, a Global Voices Author Shares His Story Globalvoicesonline.org 2/Feb

Outrage over Cairo violence english.aljazeera.net 2/Feb

Unrest in Egypt live euronews 2/Feb

Infografia static.Público.pt - 3/Fev

Violence flares in Cairo square english.aljazeera.net 3/Feb

Clashes resume in chaotic Cairo euronews 3/Feb

Licence to kill Van plows into people on Cairo street - Cnn.com 3/Feb

Licence to kill 2 The diplomatic car that ran over 20 people in cairo (28th-Jan-2011) Youtube

Licence to kill 3 "Eles vão matar-te" Público.pt 3/Feb

Nash espera que hoje seja "dia da partida" do faraó Público.pt 3/Feb